I'm offering an opportunity (to selected individuals) to be photographed wearing a piece of cinema history. This is the exact red dress that actress Linda Kozlowski wore in the blockbuster 1986 movie Crocodile Dundee. You can find an official production still photo of Linda in the dress here. I bought this dress as part of a lot of assorted costumes when I was on the film's crew. Over the years I've photographed a number of women in the dress. Now I'm taking it to the next level and creating an art project around the dress. My goal is to photograph at least 100 women in the dress over the next year to produce a gallery show plus a book. So, who can pose in the dress? Any woman who would like to! I don't care if you're a model, an actress, lawyer, nurse, corporate executive, politician, too tall, too short, 16 or 68 years old. My only requirements are that: You fit comfortably into this size 6-8 dress (smaller is OK-we pin it from the back). You respect the dress for the valuable antique it is. Sign a model release and my personal album and, most of all, HAVE FUN!!! (If you're under 18 you'll need to have a parent's permission and one of them must be present for the shoot.) If you're interested in posing for me in this famous red dress feel free to email me. Don't forget to include your contact information and attach a photo of yourself along with your dress size. I will provide a signed print to all participants. I'm also seeking donations to help me complete this project. Anyone donating will have thier name inscribed in the "Supporters" section of the final book. Should you wish to donate use the link below.
The Red Dress Project NEW! The Red Dress on Flickr!. I'd also be interested in hearing from any fashion stylists, hair dressers and make-up artists that have an idea or design concept you would like to produce using the dress. |